Battle Galleons: Seadog Starkey's Sailing School

Alton Towers

Historical wait times (02-16-2025)


Ride statistics

Current wait time 10 mins
Opened 2008-03-15
Duration 3 minutes, 0 seconds
Number of vehicles 8
Riders per vehicle 8
Average hourly throughput 800
Ride type Splash Battle
Ride manufacturer Mack Rides
Minimum rider height 0.9m
On ride photo available No
Coordinates (OSM) 52.9884, -1.89045

Average wait time by month (🎃 Scarefest, 2018)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Oct 17 20

Average wait time by day (🎃 Scarefest, 2018)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sat 17 20

Top 10 longest wait times (🎃 Scarefest, 2018)

Day Wait time, mins
October 20, 2018 20

Average wait time by hour (🎃 Scarefest, 2018)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
13 20 20
14 20 20
15 15 15
16 15 15
17 15 15

Average wait time by week of year (🎃 Scarefest, 2018)
