Wicker Man

Alton Towers

Historical wait times (09-21-2024)


Ride statistics

Current wait time Closed
Opened 2018-03-20
Duration 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Maximum height 22m
Maximum speed 71km/h
Riders per vehicle 24
Average hourly throughput 952
Ride cost £16,000,000
Ride type Wooden Coaster
Ride manufacturer Great Coasters International
Length 618m
Minimum rider height 1.2m
On ride photo available No
Coordinates (OSM) 52.9894, -1.88866

Average wait time by year (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)

Year Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
2024 55 79

Average wait time by month (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Jul 46 69
Aug 60 85
Sep 56 70

Average wait time by day (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 54 70
Mon 66 107
Tue 57 90
Wed 57 85
Thu 52 67
Fri 48 65
Sat 53 75

Top 10 longest wait times (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)

Average wait time by hour (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
10 46 56
11 59 70
12 62 75
13 63 72
14 57 67
15 57 63
16 53 58
17 46 57

Average wait time by week of year (⭐ Celebrate 10 Years of the UK’s only CBeebies Land, all time)
