SAW - The Ride

Thorpe Park

Historical wait times (02-05-2025)


Ride statistics

Current wait time Closed
Opened 2009-03-13
Duration 1 minutes, 40 seconds
Maximum height 30m
Maximum speed 89km/h
Maximum G-force 4.8G
Number of inversions 3
Number of vehicles 8
Riders per vehicle 8
Average hourly throughput 1000
Ride cost £13,500,000
Ride type Euro-Fighter
Ride manufacturer Gerstlauer
Length 720m
Minimum rider height 1.3m
On ride photo available Yes
Coordinates (OSM) 51.4025, -0.511858

Average wait time by month (🎃 Fright Nights, 2016)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Oct 69 104

Average wait time by day (🎃 Fright Nights, 2016)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 65 103
Mon 56 85
Tue 63 95
Wed 103 125
Thu 91 150
Fri 57 81
Sat 78 121

Top 10 longest wait times (🎃 Fright Nights, 2016)

Average wait time by hour (🎃 Fright Nights, 2016)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
10 23 44
11 58 76
12 70 76
13 78 87
14 78 90
15 79 91
16 86 98
17 76 84
18 75 85
19 68 78
20 65 72
21 47 55

Average wait time by week of year (🎃 Fright Nights, 2016)
