Iron Gwazi

Busch Gardens Tampa

Historical wait times (02-24-2025)


Ride statistics

Current wait time Open

Average wait time by month (πŸŽ„ 12 Days of Christmas, 2025)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Average wait time by day (πŸŽ„ 12 Days of Christmas, 2025)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Top 10 longest wait times (πŸŽ„ 12 Days of Christmas, 2025)

Day Wait time, mins

Average wait time by hour (πŸŽ„ 12 Days of Christmas, 2025)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Average wait time by week of year (πŸŽ„ 12 Days of Christmas, 2025)
