The Forgotten: Uprising

Busch Gardens Tampa

Historical wait times (10-23-2024)


Ride statistics

Average wait time by month (2024)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sep 21 37
Oct 19 31

Average wait time by day (2024)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 13 23
Thu 9 15
Fri 18 31
Sat 29 48

Average wait time by hour (2024)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
0 22 22
19 8 8
20 8 8
21 26 31
22 24 34
23 17 23

Average wait time by week of year (2024)


Average wait time by event (2024)

Event Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
👻 Howl-O-Scream 20 34