
Busch Gardens Tampa

Historical wait times (01-22-2025)


Ride statistics

Opened 2005-05-21
Duration 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Maximum height 61m
Maximum speed 110km/h
Maximum G-force 4.0G
Number of inversions 1
Riders per vehicle 24
Ride cost US$13,500,000
Ride type Dive Coaster
Ride manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard
Length 972m
Minimum rider height 1.37m
On ride photo available Yes
Coordinates (OSM) 28.0368, -82.4253

Average wait time by month (πŸŽ† New Year's Eve Celebration, 2024)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Dec 45 80

Average wait time by day (πŸŽ† New Year's Eve Celebration, 2024)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Tue 45 80

Top 10 longest wait times (πŸŽ† New Year's Eve Celebration, 2024)

Day Wait time, mins

Average wait time by hour (πŸŽ† New Year's Eve Celebration, 2024)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
9 5 5
10 5 5
11 12 20
12 25 25
13 32 80
14 64 80
15 70 80
16 36 40
17 58 60
18 73 75
19 66 75
20 60 60
21 46 60
22 54 60
23 27 60

Average wait time by week of year (πŸŽ† New Year's Eve Celebration, 2024)
