
Busch Gardens Tampa

Historical wait times (07-22-2024)


Ride statistics

Opened 1980-05-16
Duration 1 minutes, 30 seconds
Maximum height 19m
Maximum speed 66km/h
Maximum G-force 3.5G
Number of inversions 1
Number of vehicles 1
Riders per vehicle 20
Average hourly throughput 1800
Ride type Silverarrow coaster
Ride manufacturer Schwarzkopf
Length 554m
Minimum rider height 1.07m
On ride photo available No
Coordinates (OSM) 28.0378, -82.4233

Average wait time by year (all time)

Year Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
2015 19 30
2016 15 27
2017 14 25
2018 17 26
2019 15 25
2020 16 29
2021 19 34
2022 14 26
2023 10 19
2024 11 22

Average wait time by month (all time)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Jan 16 27
Feb 15 26
Mar 19 36
Apr 16 29
May 12 23
Jun 15 29
Jul 19 37
Aug 12 22
Sep 8 14
Oct 10 16
Nov 13 23
Dec 17 31

Average wait time by day (all time)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 17 32
Mon 13 24
Tue 11 20
Wed 11 19
Thu 12 21
Fri 14 24
Sat 23 42

Average wait time by hour (all time)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
0 19 20
9 15 16
10 8 9
11 6 7
12 10 11
13 15 17
14 19 22
15 21 24
16 20 23
17 20 22
18 22 26
19 19 22
20 17 20
21 15 17
22 21 23
23 18 23

Average wait time by week of year (all time)


Average wait time by event (all time)


Average daily wait time histogram (all time)


Maximum daily wait time histogram (all time)


Availability during park operating hours (last 7 days)
