Cheetah Hunt

Busch Gardens Tampa

Historical wait times (10-23-2024)


Ride statistics

Current wait time 5 mins
Opened 2011-05-27
Duration 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Maximum height 31m
Maximum speed 97km/h
Maximum G-force 4.0G
Number of inversions 1
Number of vehicles 5
Riders per vehicle 16
Average hourly throughput 1370
Ride type Launch Coaster
Ride manufacturer Intamin
Length 1350m
Minimum rider height 1.22m
On ride photo available Yes
Coordinates (OSM) 28.0355, -82.4207

Average wait time by year (all time)

Year Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
2015 36 53
2016 27 44
2017 27 42
2018 35 49
2019 35 51
2020 43 61
2021 54 76
2022 40 59
2023 37 57
2024 39 59

Average wait time by month (all time)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Jan 38 54
Feb 35 51
Mar 45 66
Apr 37 57
May 33 55
Jun 42 66
Jul 55 79
Aug 34 51
Sep 23 35
Oct 29 41
Nov 30 44
Dec 42 61

Average wait time by day (all time)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 44 63
Mon 35 52
Tue 28 45
Wed 27 43
Thu 30 47
Fri 36 57
Sat 58 79

Top 10 longest wait times (all time)

Average wait time by hour (all time)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
0 51 51
9 29 31
10 23 28
11 42 44
12 48 51
13 46 51
14 41 46
15 37 42
16 35 39
17 36 39
18 44 49
19 45 50
20 43 48
21 43 47
22 47 50
23 43 48

Average wait time by week of year (all time)


Average daily wait time histogram (all time)


Maximum daily wait time histogram (all time)


Availability during park operating hours (last 7 days)
