Canopy Capers

Chessington World of Adventures

Historical wait times (02-26-2025)


Ride statistics

Current wait time Closed
Opened 2016-03-12
On ride photo available No

Average wait time by month (🍁 The Gruffalo’s Autumn Adventure, 2025)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Average wait time by day (🍁 The Gruffalo’s Autumn Adventure, 2025)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Top 10 longest wait times (🍁 The Gruffalo’s Autumn Adventure, 2025)

Day Wait time, mins

Average wait time by hour (🍁 The Gruffalo’s Autumn Adventure, 2025)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins

Average wait time by week of year (🍁 The Gruffalo’s Autumn Adventure, 2025)
