August 2020
* This crowd level is predicted. All predictions are provided as a guide, you should use your own judgement and contact us if anything seems off. Make sure to check the official opening hours before attending.
Symbol | Meaning |
Opening hours | |
Public holiday | |
Rainy day |
Date | Holiday | Country |
August 01, 2020 | National Day | Switzerland |
August 15, 2020 | Assumption Day | France |
August 15, 2020 | Asuncion de la Virgen | Spain |
Tuesday and Monday are often the best days to go for shorter lines, while Saturday and Sunday tend to be the busiest. The most popular months are typically August, July and October, while March, January and February are normally quieter. To get the most out of your day we recommend arriving early and leaving late. Make sure to check the live wait times on our site throughout the day to stay ahead of the crowds.