August 01, 2021

Walibi Holland


Crowd level 60%
Prediction error 44%
Crowd level Busy

Average wait time by ride

Ride Overall average wait time, mins
Goliath 58
Untamed 45
Lost Gravity 31
Speed of Sound 31
Condor 30
Space Shot 27
Xpress: Platform 13 18
El Rio Grande 13
Crazy River 9

Maximum wait time by ride

Ride Maximum wait time, mins
Goliath 95
Untamed 79
Speed of Sound 54
Lost Gravity 52
Space Shot 47
Condor 44
Xpress: Platform 13 36
El Rio Grande 29
Crazy River 19

Uptime percentage by ride


Temperature, °C (powered by Dark Sky)

Forecast average 18.7 °C
Actual average 18.2 °C

Precipitation intensity, millimeters per Hour (powered by Dark Sky)

Forecast average 0.29 mm/h
Actual average 0.34 mm/h

Wind speed, meters per second (powered by Dark Sky)

Forecast average 4.5 m/s
Actual average 4.7 m/s

Detailed wait times