August 10, 2023

Walibi Holland


Crowd level 71%
Prediction error 1%
Crowd level Busy

Average wait time by ride

Ride Overall average wait time, mins
Condor 48
Untamed 47
Xpress: Platform 13 35
Speed of Sound 35
Crazy River 32
Space Shot 28
Goliath 28
El Rio Grande 27
Eat My Dust 8

Maximum wait time by ride

Ride Maximum wait time, mins
Condor 120
Untamed 75
Crazy River 60
Speed of Sound 60
Xpress: Platform 13 55
El Rio Grande 50
Goliath 50
Space Shot 50
Eat My Dust 15

Uptime percentage by ride


Temperature, °C (powered by VisualCrossing)

Forecast average 19.9 °C
Actual average 20.8 °C

Precipitation intensity, millimeters per Hour (powered by VisualCrossing)

Forecast average 0.0 mm/h
Actual average 0.0 mm/h

Wind speed, meters per second (powered by VisualCrossing)

Forecast average 1.9 m/s
Actual average 3.0 m/s

Detailed wait times