Flight of Fear

Kings Dominion

Historical wait times (09-07-2024)


Ride statistics

Current wait time 30 mins
Coordinates (OSM) 37.8389, -77.4394

Average wait time by year (🌸 Spring Break, all time)

Year Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
2024 31 34

Average wait time by month (🌸 Spring Break, all time)

Month Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Mar 42 47
Apr 20 22

Average wait time by day (🌸 Spring Break, all time)

Day Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
Sun 10 13
Mon 29 30
Fri 43 45
Sat 50 60

Top 10 longest wait times (🌸 Spring Break, all time)

Average wait time by hour (🌸 Spring Break, all time)

Hour Overall average wait time, mins Average maximum wait time, mins
12 5 5
13 25 25
14 26 29
15 29 29
16 29 29
17 31 32
18 30 33
19 32 32

Average wait time by week of year (🌸 Spring Break, all time)
