Alton Towers
Attractie | Gemiddelde wachttijd, min |
TH13TEEN | 83 |
Gangsta Granny: The Ride | 79 |
The Smiler | 67 |
Rita | 62 |
Wicker Man | 51 |
Galactica | 46 |
Congo River Rapids | 38 |
Oblivion | 37 |
Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure | 36 |
Spinball Whizzer | 31 |
Postman Pat Parcel Post | 29 |
Nemesis Reborn | 29 |
Cuckoo Cars Driving School | 28 |
Funk’n’Fly | 28 |
Hex - The Legend of the Towers | 27 |
Get Set Go Tree Top Adventure | 24 |
Spinjam | 23 |
Battle Galleons: Seadog Starkey's Sailing School | 22 |
Runaway Mine Train | 21 |
In The Night Garden Magical Boat Ride | 20 |
Go Jetters Vroomster Zoom Ride | 19 |
Raj’s Bouncy Bottom Burp | 18 |
Peter Rabbit Hippity Hop | 17 |
Enterprise | 14 |
The Blade | 14 |
Roller Disco | 10 |
Flavio's Fabulous Fandango | 10 |
The Royal Carousel | 10 |
Heave Ho | 8 |
The Curse at Alton Manor | 7 |
Bugbie-Go-Round | 5 |
Attractie | Maximale wachttijd, min |
TH13TEEN | 180 |
Gangsta Granny: The Ride | 120 |
Rita | 100 |
Galactica | 90 |
The Smiler | 90 |
Wicker Man | 75 |
Congo River Rapids | 60 |
Get Set Go Tree Top Adventure | 60 |
Oblivion | 60 |
Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure | 60 |
Spinball Whizzer | 50 |
Hex - The Legend of the Towers | 40 |
Nemesis Reborn | 40 |
Peter Rabbit Hippity Hop | 40 |
Postman Pat Parcel Post | 40 |
Enterprise | 35 |
In The Night Garden Magical Boat Ride | 35 |
Runaway Mine Train | 35 |
Battle Galleons: Seadog Starkey's Sailing School | 30 |
Cuckoo Cars Driving School | 30 |
Funk’n’Fly | 30 |
Go Jetters Vroomster Zoom Ride | 30 |
Spinjam | 30 |
Raj’s Bouncy Bottom Burp | 25 |
The Blade | 25 |
Heave Ho | 15 |
Roller Disco | 15 |
Flavio's Fabulous Fandango | 10 |
The Curse at Alton Manor | 10 |
The Royal Carousel | 10 |
Bugbie-Go-Round | 5 |
Attractie | In werking percentage, % |
Bugbie-Go-Round | 99.0 |
Cuckoo Cars Driving School | 99.0 |
Enterprise | 99.0 |
Flavio's Fabulous Fandango | 99.0 |
Funk’n’Fly | 99.0 |
Get Set Go Tree Top Adventure | 99.0 |
Go Jetters Vroomster Zoom Ride | 99.0 |
Heave Ho | 99.0 |
Hex - The Legend of the Towers | 99.0 |
Marauder's Mayhem | 99.0 |
Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure | 99.0 |
Raj’s Bouncy Bottom Burp | 99.0 |
Rita | 99.0 |
Roller Disco | 99.0 |
Spinball Whizzer | 99.0 |
Spinjam | 99.0 |
The Blade | 99.0 |
The Royal Carousel | 99.0 |
In The Night Garden Magical Boat Ride | 98.0 |
Runaway Mine Train | 98.0 |
Battle Galleons: Seadog Starkey's Sailing School | 97.0 |
TH13TEEN | 97.0 |
Wicker Man | 97.0 |
Nemesis Reborn | 96.0 |
Peter Rabbit Hippity Hop | 95.0 |
The Smiler | 94.0 |
The Curse at Alton Manor | 89.0 |
Postman Pat Parcel Post | 80.0 |
Congo River Rapids | 79.0 |
Galactica | 77.0 |
Gangsta Granny: The Ride | 67.0 |
Oblivion | 47.0 |
Justin's House Pie-O-Matic Factory | 0.0 |