Le Parc du Petit Prince
Attractie | Gemiddelde wachttijd, min |
Thunder Stone | 35 |
King's Balloon: VR experience | 15 |
The Snake | 15 |
The Fox Burrow | 5 |
The Little Prince's Friends' House | 5 |
Attractie | Maximale wachttijd, min |
Thunder Stone | 35 |
King's Balloon: VR experience | 15 |
The Snake | 15 |
The Fox Burrow | 5 |
The Little Prince's Friends' House | 5 |
Attractie | In werking percentage, % |
Draw me a Sheep | 100.0 |
Leapfrog | 100.0 |
Make up | 100.0 |
Metamorphose | 100.0 |
South Atlantik | 100.0 |
Southern Courier | 100.0 |
The Aerobar of the Drinker | 100.0 |
The Boa Snake | 100.0 |
The Citadel | 100.0 |
The Desert Dew | 100.0 |
The Fox Burrow | 100.0 |
The Great Swing | 100.0 |
The Hopscotch | 100.0 |
The Little Prince's Friends' House | 100.0 |
The Maze | 100.0 |
The Snake | 100.0 |
The Volcano | 100.0 |
Thunder Stone | 100.0 |
Trampoline Park | 100.0 |
Tyrolean Traverse | 100.0 |
King's Balloon: VR experience | 88.0 |
The little train - Volcano Station | 0.0 |
Aerousel | 0.0 |
King's Balloon | 0.0 |
Little Prince and Friends | 0.0 |
The Flying Chairs | 0.0 |
The little train - Citadel Station | 0.0 |
Underwater Planet | 0.0 |