Statistiche tempi d'attesa a Universal Studios Japan

Tutti i tempi

Tempo d'attesa medio per attrazione (tutti i tempi)

Attrazione Tempo d'attesa medio globale, min
ドンキーコングのクレイジー・トロッコ 151
[Archiviata] Demon Slayer XR 148
[Archiviata] Attack on Titan VR Ride 136
[Archiviata] 鬼滅の刃 XRライド 120
[Archiviata] Doraemon XR Ride: Nobita's Sky Utopia 114
Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge™ 99
Hollywood Dream -The Ride - Backdrop- 90
Flight of the Hippogriff™ 89
[Archiviata] The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - The Ride 4K3D 82
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ 70
Hollywood Dream - The Ride 70
[Archiviata] Hollywood Dream - The Ride ~ Backdrop ~ 66
Yoshi's Adventure™ 64
The Flying Dinosaur 63
Despicable Me Minion Mayhem 58
Space Fantasy – The Ride 54
[Archiviata] Space Fantasy The Ride 54
[Archiviata] STAND BY ME DORAEMON 2: XR Ride 54
[Archiviata] Cult of Chucky: Chucky's Hospital Ward of Madness 53
Detective Conan World 48
Playing with Curious George™ 47
JAWS™ 45
The Flying Snoopy 44
[Archiviata] チェンソーマン・ザ・カオス 4-D 44
[Archiviata] 貞子の呪い ~ダーク・ホラー・ライド~ 44
[Archiviata] Area 51 43
Elmo's Bubble Bubble 41
[Archiviata] Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey 39
[Archiviata] Resident Evil (BioHazard)™ The Extreme   38
[Archiviata] Despicable Me - Minion Mayhem 37
[Archiviata] Terminator 2 3-D 37
Jurassic Park – The Ride™ 35
Freeze Ray Sliders 34
Hello Kitty's Ribbon Collection 33
[Archiviata] スペース・ファンタジー・ザ・ライド 32
[Archiviata] Flight of the Hippogriff 31
[Archiviata] JUJUTSU KAISEN: The Real 4-D 31
[Archiviata] My Hero Academia The Real 4-D 30
[Archiviata] Playing with Curious George ™ 30
Moppy's Balloon Trip 29
[Archiviata] セサミストリート 4-D ムービーマジック™ 29
[Archiviata] Jaws 28
Elmo's Go-Go Skateboard 27
[Archiviata] Backdraft 26
[Archiviata] チャッキーズ・カーニバル・オブ・カオス ~チャッキーの血塗られた祭典~ 26
[Archiviata] Amazing Adventure of Spider-Man The Ride 4K3D 25
[Archiviata] Flying Snoopy 24
[Archiviata] Snoopy's Great Race 24
[Archiviata] シュレック 4-D アドベンチャー 24
[Archiviata] Jurassic Park - The Ride 23
Ollivanders 23
Shrek’s 4-D Adventure™ 22
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic™ 20
[Archiviata] 42nd Street Studio -Greeting Gallery- Peanuts 18
[Archiviata] Forty Second Street Studio -Greeting Gallery- Minion 16
[Archiviata] ユニバーサル・モンスターズ ~レジェンド・オブ・フィアー~ 16
[Archiviata] Minion Hachamecha Ice 15
Big Bird's Big Top Circus 14
[Archiviata] バイオハザード™・ザ・エクストリーム+ 13
Elmo's Little Drive 12
[Archiviata] バイオハザード™・ナイト・オブ・ヒーローズ 12
Hello Kitty's Cupcake Dream 10
Sesame's Big Drive 7

Massimo tempo d'attesa medio per attrazione (tutti i tempi)

Attrazione Tempo d'attesa medio massimo, min
ドンキーコングのクレイジー・トロッコ 204
[Archiviata] Demon Slayer XR 192
[Archiviata] Attack on Titan VR Ride 166
[Archiviata] 鬼滅の刃 XRライド 157
[Archiviata] Doraemon XR Ride: Nobita's Sky Utopia 152
Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge™ 131
Flight of the Hippogriff™ 124
[Archiviata] The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - The Ride 4K3D 122
Hollywood Dream -The Ride - Backdrop- 119
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ 105
Hollywood Dream - The Ride 98
The Flying Dinosaur 94
[Archiviata] Hollywood Dream - The Ride ~ Backdrop ~ 93
Despicable Me Minion Mayhem 92
[Archiviata] Space Fantasy The Ride 89
Yoshi's Adventure™ 88
[Archiviata] Cult of Chucky: Chucky's Hospital Ward of Madness 83
Detective Conan World 81
Space Fantasy – The Ride 78
[Archiviata] STAND BY ME DORAEMON 2: XR Ride 78
JAWS™ 75
[Archiviata] 貞子の呪い ~ダーク・ホラー・ライド~ 75
Elmo's Bubble Bubble 74
[Archiviata] チェンソーマン・ザ・カオス 4-D 74
[Archiviata] Area 51 70
The Flying Snoopy 68
[Archiviata] Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey 66
Jurassic Park – The Ride™ 62
[Archiviata] Despicable Me - Minion Mayhem 58
[Archiviata] スペース・ファンタジー・ザ・ライド 56
[Archiviata] チャッキーズ・カーニバル・オブ・カオス ~チャッキーの血塗られた祭典~ 54
Hello Kitty's Ribbon Collection 53
[Archiviata] JUJUTSU KAISEN: The Real 4-D 53
Elmo's Go-Go Skateboard 52
Freeze Ray Sliders 52
Playing with Curious George™ 52
[Archiviata] Resident Evil (BioHazard)™ The Extreme   52
Moppy's Balloon Trip 50
[Archiviata] Flight of the Hippogriff 49
[Archiviata] Jaws 47
[Archiviata] My Hero Academia The Real 4-D 47
[Archiviata] Amazing Adventure of Spider-Man The Ride 4K3D 46
[Archiviata] Terminator 2 3-D 46
[Archiviata] Jurassic Park - The Ride 44
[Archiviata] 42nd Street Studio -Greeting Gallery- Peanuts 43
[Archiviata] Snoopy's Great Race 42
Ollivanders 41
[Archiviata] ユニバーサル・モンスターズ ~レジェンド・オブ・フィアー~ 39
[Archiviata] Flying Snoopy 38
[Archiviata] Playing with Curious George ™ 38
[Archiviata] Forty Second Street Studio -Greeting Gallery- Minion 35
[Archiviata] Backdraft 33
[Archiviata] セサミストリート 4-D ムービーマジック™ 33
Shrek’s 4-D Adventure™ 31
[Archiviata] シュレック 4-D アドベンチャー 31
[Archiviata] Minion Hachamecha Ice 26
Big Bird's Big Top Circus 26
Elmo's Little Drive 25
Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic™ 22
Hello Kitty's Cupcake Dream 19
[Archiviata] バイオハザード™・ザ・エクストリーム+ 18
Sesame's Big Drive 14
[Archiviata] バイオハザード™・ナイト・オブ・ヒーローズ 13

Disponibilità durante l'orario di apertura del parco (ultimi 7 giorni)


Disponibilità durante l'orario di apertura del parco (tutti i tempi)


Affluenza media per mese (tutti i tempi)

Mese Affluenza media, %
gen 53
feb 54
mar 79
apr 53
mag 43
giu 47
lug 23
ago 35
set 35
ott 71
nov 69
dic 52

Affluenza media per giorno della settimana (tutti i tempi)

Giorno Affluenza media, %
dom 50
lun 58
mar 42
mer 47
gio 48
ven 50
sab 59

Affluenza media per anno (tutti i tempi)

Anno Affluenza media, % Livello medio di folla (YTD), %
2019 53
2020 21 42
2023 61
2024 57 67
2025 53 53

Livello medio di affluenza per evento (tutti i tempi)

Evento Affluenza media, %

10 giorni più affollati (tutti i tempi)

Affluenza giornaliera (ultimi 30 giorni)
