Attrazione | Tempo d'attesa medio globale, min |
River Quest | 18 |
Taron | 16 |
Crazy Bats | 12 |
Black Mamba | 10 |
Feng Ju Palace | 10 |
F.L.Y. | 8 |
Wellenflug | 8 |
Chiapas - DIE Wasserbahn | 8 |
Winja‘s Fear | 6 |
Winja‘s Force | 6 |
Raik | 6 |
Das verrückte Hotel Tartüff | 5 |
Tikal | 5 |
Bolles Riesenrad | 5 |
Bumper Klumpen | 5 |
Colorado Adventure | 5 |
Der lustige Papagei | 5 |
Geister Rikscha | 5 |
Maus au Chocolat | 5 |
Mystery Castle | 5 |
Pferdekarussell | 5 |
Talocan | 5 |
Tittle Tattle Tree | 5 |
Wirtl‘s Taubenturm | 5 |
Wolke‘s Luftpost | 5 |
Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper | 5 |
Wözl‘s Duck Washer | 5 |
Wözl‘s Wassertreter | 5 |
Würmling Express | 5 |
Attrazione | Tempo massimo di attesa, min |
F.L.Y. | 30 |
River Quest | 30 |
Taron | 30 |
Crazy Bats | 25 |
Das verrückte Hotel Tartüff | 15 |
Raik | 15 |
Wellenflug | 15 |
Winja‘s Fear | 15 |
Winja‘s Force | 15 |
Black Mamba | 10 |
Chiapas - DIE Wasserbahn | 10 |
Feng Ju Palace | 10 |
Tikal | 10 |
Bolles Riesenrad | 5 |
Bumper Klumpen | 5 |
Colorado Adventure | 5 |
Der lustige Papagei | 5 |
Geister Rikscha | 5 |
Maus au Chocolat | 5 |
Mystery Castle | 5 |
Pferdekarussell | 5 |
Talocan | 5 |
Tittle Tattle Tree | 5 |
Wirtl‘s Taubenturm | 5 |
Wolke‘s Luftpost | 5 |
Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper | 5 |
Wözl‘s Duck Washer | 5 |
Wözl‘s Wassertreter | 5 |
Würmling Express | 5 |
Attrazione | Percentuale di disponibilità , % |
Pferdekarussell | 87.0 |
Wellenflug | 85.0 |
Maus au Chocolat | 83.0 |
Colorado Adventure | 82.0 |
F.L.Y. | 81.0 |
Black Mamba | 80.0 |
Feng Ju Palace | 80.0 |
Bolles Riesenrad | 77.0 |
Bumper Klumpen | 77.0 |
Das verrückte Hotel Tartüff | 77.0 |
Der lustige Papagei | 77.0 |
Geister Rikscha | 77.0 |
Mystery Castle | 77.0 |
Raik | 77.0 |
Talocan | 77.0 |
Tikal | 77.0 |
Winja‘s Fear | 77.0 |
Winja‘s Force | 77.0 |
Wirtl‘s Taubenturm | 77.0 |
Wolke‘s Luftpost | 77.0 |
Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper | 77.0 |
Wözl‘s Duck Washer | 77.0 |
Wözl‘s Wassertreter | 77.0 |
Würmling Express | 77.0 |
Taron | 76.0 |
Chiapas - DIE Wasserbahn | 75.0 |
River Quest | 72.0 |
Tittle Tattle Tree | 69.0 |
Crazy Bats | 63.0 |
BATTLE of the BEST | 0.0 |
Die fröhliche Bienchenjagd | 0.0 |
Dragon Drago | 0.0 |
Dragon Kroka | 0.0 |
Dragon Phenie | 0.0 |
Dragon Schneck | 0.0 |
Dragon Wang | 0.0 |
Pirates in 4D | 0.0 |
Rock on Ice | 0.0 |
Wakobato | 0.0 |