

Historical queue times (2025-03-30)


Ride statistics

Current queue time 30 mins
Coordinates (OSM) 35.0161, -80.9018

Average queue time by month (πŸŽƒ Tricks and Treats, 2024)

Month Overall average queue time, mins Average maximum queue time, mins
Sep 57 95
Oct 82 145

Average queue time by day (πŸŽƒ Tricks and Treats, 2024)

Day Overall average queue time, mins Average maximum queue time, mins
Sun 48 90
Sat 94 157

Top 10 longest queues (πŸŽƒ Tricks and Treats, 2024)

Average queue time by hour (πŸŽƒ Tricks and Treats, 2024)

Hour Overall average queue time, mins Average maximum queue time, mins
10 39 45
11 64 74
12 67 72
13 73 81
14 68 78
15 74 82
16 77 81
17 78 96
18 83 100
19 90 105
20 80 88
21 83 87
22 67 85
23 99 116

Average queue time by week of year (πŸŽƒ Tricks and Treats, 2024)
